
Friday, August 21, 2009

Crochet-covered stones

I have pined for a crocheted stone since the moment I set eyes on Margaret Oomen's blog, Resurrection Fern. Crocheted stones have such a simple, natural beauty, and their circular patterns mirror nature's own designs. For me, crocheted stones represent not only beauty, but also calmness, harmony with nature, and living simply. I've gleaned a lot of joy from gathering these rocks and covering them in crocheted thread. The pattern is in the current issue of Crochet Today.


And now for a poem, in honor of stones and summer. This haiku was written around 1689 by the famed poet Matsuo Basho when he visited Yamadera, a mountain temple very near where I lived in Japan. I've included the English translation and the original Japanese, and if you follow the Yamadera link, you'll see another English interpretation. I love thinking about the subtleties of language, such as the difference between stillness and quietness. I hope you enjoy this poem as much as I do.

Sinking into the rocks,
A cicada's cry.

Shizukasa ya
Iwa ni shimiiru
Semi no koe

--Matsuo Basho

1 comment:

  1. Allison, it is so nice to read this post and see the hand made creations of someone who so obviously "gets it" . The smoothness of the stones , the softness of the fiber in your hand, the connection with nature and at the same time with all those amazing women who have held a hook in their creative hands. Thanks so much for alerting me to this post and the haiku. Have a wonderful weekend.


Comments welcomed!