
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Crafty Works in Progress

I've amassed quite a few unfinished objects, but can't stop myself from starting more. It's that beginning part of crafting that I love the most, though finally finishing things is indeed the most satisfying. I'm posting these works-in-progress here in hopes that it will motivate me to finish them.

These are wrist warmers that are so very close to completion. I just need to crochet the little thumb parts and sew them on. The goldenrod color is so perfect for fall!

Here's a cross-stitched napkin I'm working on. I love the pattern and color--it's pink thread on a navy blue napkin. It'll go with this one that I've already made, and I hope to eventually make a set of four.

This project I just started yesterday. You see, my favorite polo got a bleach spot on the front of it a few months ago and since then has been languishing my craft drawer, waiting to gussied up. I finally decided to applique some fabric droplets onto it. I can't wait to wear this shirt again!
I got a ton of inspiration for this applique from flickr.

I hope this Saturday is treating you well. The sun is shining and the breezes are cool here. I've got to get out and enjoy it!

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