
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Flowers and Front Porches

Wanna go for a walk with me? We'll mosey down some side streets, smell those magnolias in bloom, and find out what's happening in the neighborhood. Sound good? Well, first things first. You've got to forget all you know about Kentucky in the summer. It's definitely not 90 degrees out, and there is absolutely no humidity. Let's pretend it's cool and breezy, with enough sun peeking through the clouds to create that gorgeous dappled light that makes everything so lovely. Ready to get going?

Oh look, some purple hydrangeas peering through the leaves. They look a little bashful.

I spy a tiger lily. It reminds me of that song from Peter Pan.

What a lovely porch! The yellow chairs are just delightful, and I'd give almost anything to be sitting in that swing with a tall glass of iced tea right now. Maybe we should make friends with the owners of this house.

But wait! This house has comfy pillows on their swing. Those would be nice for some outdoor reading. And those ferns are gorgeous.

Look up. Who's that in the window? Why, I think it's Stephen Colbert. How strange. Maybe he'll let us hang out on his front porch. Just tell him you hate bears and love Bill O'Reilly. That should do the trick. We'll be sipping tea in a porch swing in no time.

This porch is for bird lovers.

I think this house is the one. The one whose owners we should befriend. They've got a swing and 5 rocking chairs. It looks like the perfect way to while away an afternoon.

Ah! Looky-here. More hydrangeas looking ever so cool and inviting.
We're almost home now.

Take one last look at the flowers. The bees sure do like these. By the way, do you know what kind of flowers these are? They're so pretty. They look like black-eyed susans to me, except that they're pink with coppery centers. *

I hope you enjoyed our walk. Let's go on another one soon!

*Edited to add: I think they're purple coneflowers. I was flipping through an herb book today and came across a picture that looks quite like these flowers.

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