
Tuesday, June 2, 2009


We went to the farmer's market a little later yesterday, and there was a crowd of people around our CSA farm's booth, clamoring for their vegetables. People stuffed boxes and bags, and we were no exceptions. We loaded up on spinach, bok choy, strawberries, kale, 2 heads of lettuce, mint, English peas, turnips, and some mixed salad greens. Amazing haul, huh?
We've got a lasagna planned for the spinach, as well as a bok choy stir-fry, an egg and kale saute, and lots of salads. We already threw some mint into our iced tea with dinner last night. I'm most excited about the peas because I've never had fresh peas before! I have no idea how to cook them, but I did crack open a supple little pod (how sweet, peas in a pod!) and found that they taste quite good raw.
Thanks again to Finger Picking Farms!
Also, I found out that Phoenix Hill Farmers Market has a blog. The recipes look good!

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