
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Breakfast of Champions

Breakfasts around here are usually a free-for-all. There's no standard "cereal and milk" plan. Most of the time we'll just grab some leftovers or a bagel or, if we're feeling particularly earnest, oatmeal. Weekend breakfasts lean more towards pancakes, waffles, or biscuits and eggs.

A couple of days ago, realizing we weren't going to be eating enough dinners at home this week to finish our CSA vegetables, we decided to have kale for breakfast. A little strange, maybe, but healthy nonetheless.

I removed the stems and sauteed the chopped kale with some scallions, finishing the dish with a squeeze of lemon juice and a splash of soy sauce. We ate the kale with an over-easy egg and a little bit of bread. It was really filling and quite tasty!

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